In the closing session, the skit characters took to the stage one last time and wrapped up the story with a confession by Bakari, and an offering of forgiveness by Terry, Jerry and Dr. Doolots. In the end, their working together, and not simply for themselves, demonstrated that God will provide the things that they really need. And so it is for us.
The combined classes sang "Harambe", "The Kingdom of God" and "The Father Loves Me", which really made a lot of noise in the sanctuary with clapping hands, stomping feet, pounding drums and swinging in a tree (whee!). They closed with the Lord's Prayer sung to a beautiful tune. We found out that the donations the kids brought in totaled enough to provide scholarships to ten Liberian elementary school children next year. What a blessing to be able to provide some of what we have that can be of such benefit to people in Africa. Since we had so many children registered for all or part of the week, the two kids who brought the most visitors were able to apply some very strange hair coloring to both co-directors' hair. But everyone left with a sense of friendship as well as excitement about the power of God's love.
For those who are counting, we had 84 kids in attendance for the last night of VBS, with an average attendance of 77 for the five nights, and a total of 113 registered who attended all or some nights. There were fifty adults and youth who volunteered their time and talents to make this VBS a success. As much as those staff members gave, they received in turn, and they offer thanks to the family members who encouraged their kids to take part in this week-long adventure of teaching, learning and love.
By the way, we used Gospel Light's 'Kingdom of the Son' Vacation Bible School program. We found it to be a very thoughtfully laid out set of lessons, activities, songs and skit (OK, I was one of the "actors") with excellent supporting materials and documents. The staff had a lot of fun building a "prayer safari" environment in the church, and adapting the program materials for a great week with the kids and each other. God Provides!