HUMC Vacation Bible School, "Kingdom of the Son", opened tonight! We learned many things and had a good time doing it. In all our activities we followed the theme "God Listens" and discovered how we are, each one of us, special in God's eyes. We learned several sayings in Swahili, including Bwanasikiliza (God listens), as well as the first part of the Lord's prayer.
A skit was presented in the opening which began the story of twins Terry and Jerry on safari with their guide, Mr. Bakari. When their jeep broke down, they stopped at the Animal Hospital where the local veterinarian, Dr. Doolots, showed them around, told them about lions and LISTENING, and gave them some pointers on identifying the rare bird, the blue cheeked bee eater. We are looking forward to more of their adventures through the week.

Each class had kids from one age group, and were named for African animals: , the Lively Lions (PreK/K), Gentle Giraffes (1st grade), Happy Hippos (2nd grade), Eager Elephants (3rd grade), Merry Monkeys (4th grade), Chipper Cheetahs (5th grade), and Zippy Zebras (6th grade). We needed so many classes because there were 65 of us altogether!

During craft time, we learned how each one of us is special to God, and how He makes each one of us unique. For example, no two people have the same fingerprints. To symbolize this, we put our fingerprint on a slide for a scarf. Of course, many of us ended up using the scarf in our hair rather than as a neckerchief, but we enjoyed painting something special on each one of our slides.

And we won't forget the Lion Paws (and popcorn) we got to eat at snack time, and most of us were brave enough to get a drink from the watering hole, even though we could see alligators nearby.
In music, we sang two new songs: "Spend Time with God" (great chorus) and "The Lord's Prayer", and learned them so quickly that we all sang together at the closing.
At the closing, we learned a little more about how our VBS offering will be going toward supporting scholarships to help kids go to school in Liberia, a very poor African country. We expect to have a good time through the rest of VBS this week, learning more about Liberia, the Lord's Prayer, and the ways God loves and cares for us.
Thank you all volunteers! It was great to see so many there. Snack volunteers were wonderful!