Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Church Nursery

Thank you to Mary Jenkins and other nursery angels for keeping our church nursery safe and fun for our little ones. The HUMC nursery is designed with children infant through 5 years old in mind. All the toys and books are age appropriate. The nursery is also equipped with a pager system so parents/grandparents can be paged during worship if their child has a need.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Library Materials for April 2012

The following materials have been added to the library and are ready for check out.

The Biblical Dinner  DVD
Dead Aid, Why Aid is not working and how there is a better  way for Africa by Dambisa Moyo.
The Night of the Child Upper Room Nativity Collection by Robert Benson.
Toxic Charity How churches and charities hurt those they help and how to reverse it by Robert D. Lupton.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lenten Fair

It was a beautiful day for HUMC's annual Palm Sunday Lenten Fair. Everone enjoyed painting ceramic eggs, folding palm crosses, eating fresh homemade pretzels,making bead necklaces, and playing games. It's always a fun time of fellowship with church family and friends.