This week, a school house is beginning to appear. Strange trees and animals, not normally seen in east-central Illinois, were seen in the classrooms. A zebra-striped Jeep went careening down the hall. A group of explorers was seen talking to a local veterinarian about the Blue-Cheeked Bee Eater, and the elusive bird (see below) teased us with a brief appearance.
There is a sense of excitement and anticipation around the church as we get ready for VBS. Participants can look forward to games, snacks, crafts, skits, and music all revolving around a safari theme, centered on The Lord's Prayer, which we will learn to say in Swahili. Each evening we will focus on one aspect of The Lord's Prayer. Sunday - Mungu (God) Listens. Monday - God Provides. Tuesday - God Forgives. Wednesday - God Protects. Thursday - God Rules. Asante (thank you) to our rafiki (friend), Char, for this tembo (elephant). There will be one more prep night on Wed. July 22 at 7:00. See you there!
Your Mkrista Dada (Christian Sister),

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