Wednesday, July 30, 2014

SonTreasure Island VBS Day 4

Day 4 of VBS taught us that God's love is forgiving.
"[Love] is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."
- 1 Corinthians 13:5-6

Our symbol for Day 4 is the palm tree.  In today's Bible story, we hear about man named Zacchaeus who wanted to see Jesus so badly he climbed up in a tree to see over people's heads! Zacchaeus not only got to see Jesus, but he also got something even more important. He received forgiveness for his sins. When you see a palm tree (or any tree!) you can remember that God's love is forgiving.

The Bible story was based on Luke 19:1-10 where Jesus forgives Zacchaeus. 
Our story time was Zacchaeus  trying to figure out what all of the noise and crowds are about
 while another tax collector is trying to take a nap. 
The second tax collector finally tells Zacchaeus to go climb a tree. 
Zacchaeus climbed a tree, and the rest is history.

Our skit tonight had Pearl Shellfish revealing that she is actually Captain Cooky's long-lost cousin, Sugar Cooky and that she is actually on the island to try to steal the treasure. She was moved by how nice and caring everybody was and decided not to steal the treasure. The islanders forgive her for her deception and are happy to learn that the captain is not the last Cooky.

We made spyglasses at crafts to help us see things that are far away.

Our snack was a yummy mix of meat, cheese, and fruit with a cute palm tree toothpick.

Recreation kept us moving with parachute play and water relays for the younger kids 
and volleyball with a big beachball for the older kids.

Everybody was very excited to meet the second challenge of 100 kids at VBS. 
We are up to 104 children.

Captain Cooky begged forgiveness from Brad Krumbs and asked that Krumbs not throw the pie in his face. Krumbs decided to forgive the captain since we just learned that God's love is forgiving.
The captain and Krumbs decided to eat the pie.

Unfortunately for the captain, Krumbs is very clumsy and tripped.
To the delight of the children, Captain Cooky was covered in pie.

We now have enough items and money to complete fourteen flood buckets for our missions project. 
Pastor Teri has issued a new challenge to get to sixteen flood buckets. 
If we can reach sixteen buckets, then Captain Cooky and Krumbs will hula dance for us.

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