Ultimate Power Tonight we learned more about Moses as we explored Exodus 3:1-4:17 for our Bible story. We got to listen in as Moses and his brother Aaron discussed Moses' encounter with the burning bush. God displayed His power through the burning bush and the shepherd's staff that could turn into a snake.
We learned that God used His power to help Moses and that Jesus' power is big enough to help us--no matter what. For our Bible verse, we learned Jesus' words of John 16:33 "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Tonight we added a new song called "Stronger Than Anything" which has the words of John 16:33 as part of the chorus.
To help us remember how God's Ultimate Power can use ordinary things like a bush or a staff/snake, we colored wooden snakes during craft and had pretzel staffs at snack.
Tonight was so much fun! Thank you!