What a day! We were able to accomplish so much in a short day. We didn't get started until after 10 a.m. because we had to wait to get our instructions. We got to the job site and Dale, our foreman, got us to work. We needed to dig nine holes but ended up digging 13 (long story for a later time) but we accomplished that before lunch. We got to meet some of the family too- Willy- grandpa, Maggie- mom who is deaf, and her two daughters- Selena and Alejondria. They are a very nice family. We finished at 4:30 p.m. with putting the flooring down. Tomorrow we plan to get the walls up and some of the roof. Dale says we are ahead of schedule. Woohoo!
Meals have been good but the gas station can't keep up with the pizza orders by Spencer and the Larson boys.
Looking forward to a good night's sleep. We'll talk tomorrow.
P.S. Julie K- your presence was felt through the absolutely fabulous caramel corn!!!
WOW...what a crew! Praising God for all.