There's nothing like spending a beautiful Spring day outside. We enjoyed the play structure, blowing bubbles on the new deck and climbing on the rocks in the Ebenezer garden.
The following books have been added to the church library and are ready for check out.
Muslims, Christians and Jesus by Carl Medearis The Me I Want To Be by John Ortberg If You Want To Walk On Water, You've Got To Get Out Of The Boat by John Ortberg Everybody is Normal Till You Get To Know Them by John Ortberg
Homer United Methodist Church
301 South Main St
Homer, Illinois 61849
Phone: 217-896-2038
Homer United Methodist Church is an active, friendly little church and we are using this blog to report and share our church activities with our members and community.
Visit the HUMC web site for more information about the church, and join us on Sunday mornings for worship (9 am) and Sunday School (10:20 am, classes for all ages)!